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Unique DIY Creations

DIY House Number

Diy house number with flower box

My daughter has recently purchased a new house and as you can imagine she has a list of things she wants me to make.  The latest request is this House Number.  She had two requests, she wanted a solar light and a plant box. Continue Reading →

Rustic Fun Easter Decorations

Hi all, with Easter just around the corner it is time to see all the great Easter projects popping up everywhere, So I am joining in with these Rustic Fun Easter decorations.  Staying with my website theme of trying to make all my projects out of recycled materials, these guys were made from junk items I found around my workshop. They are not your usual  Easter decorations, but I hope you like them. It is also time for our next IBC (International Blogger challenge) and you guessed it, Easter Decoration or any Easter related project. More about IBC at the end of this post. Continue Reading →

How to make a Car Racing Game

DIY game for kids and adults

A few years ago, I made a horse racing game for the residents at the aged care home where I work.  This car racing game is based on the same idea. I have had many requests over the years from people asking for the printouts so they can make their own.  For your convenience, I have included the PDFs for the cards needed to play this car racing game in the instructions below. Continue Reading →

Resin Door knobs

Resin door knobs

I made some steampunk resin door knobs a few years back, by adding steampunk charms to epoxy resin in a cake mould.  They are still very popular, but I have been asked on many occasions what can be added to the resin.   Continue Reading →

Elvis Presley Tribute Guitar

How to make an Elvis Presley Tribute Guitar

It is time again for this month’s International Blogger Club Challenge (IBC).  This month the topic was Rock & Roll, we had to create something incorporating the theme in our project. I chose Elvis Presley because he is still the King of Rock & Rock in my eyes, he was the first person that popped into my head. Continue Reading →

Altered Bottle

I first discovered altered bottles on Pinterest and really loved them. The idea of recycling bottles that were heading to the landfill into something of beauty interested me. 

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How to use Unicorn SPiT on Glass

Unicorn spit on g

Nowadays Unicorn SPiT stain and glaze projects seem to be popping up everywhere.  You only have to look at Pinterest and craft sites and you see so many great ideas on how to use this product.  My favourite use for Unicorn SPiT is to use it on the inside of the glass. Continue Reading →

How to Make a Pet Automatic Cold Water Feeder

Water auto feeder

If you are anything like me your pets are part of the family and you try and make life as good for them as you do for yourself.  This is why I created this automatic pet cold water feeder.  Summers in Australia can get really hot so they need more water than they do in the winter.  I have tried putting out another bowl of water but they will not drink it.  I would come home from work and their water bowl would be drier than Gandi’s flip flop. It was heartbreaking not knowing how long they had no water for. I had tried a few different bowls but nothing worked. (Spoilt Brats)  Continue Reading →

How to make a Horse Racing Game

DIY Horse racing game for all ages

I am an aged care nurse in a care home and I also cover the position of the activities officer when she goes on holiday.  Because I knew I was going to be doing it for a month, I wanted to try and make a new game for them to play that was interactive as well as fun. That is where the idea came for the horse racing game. Continue Reading →

Painting with Mica Powder

Painting with mica powder

This chair was a little experiment for me. I was making a lamp out of a stump of wood and had just finished applying the varnish when the postman came with a delivery.  It turned out to be the mica powder that I had ordered to add to an epoxy resin project I had in mind. So excited with my delivery I had to open it straight away.  The sender had added so much tape to the package to keep it secure that I had to use a knife to get into it.  Well, the knife went through a packet of blue mica powder sending it everywhere.  The powder landed on my wet varnish, I quickly brushed it away and it spread all over my project.  This was one of those happy mistakes because the effect was beautiful. Continue Reading →

How to Make a Simple Wooden Block Lamp

DIY wooden lamp

I saw this fireworks light bulb when I was on the internet one day and I thought it looked great so I ordered one.  Once it arrived I could not wait to put it in my lamp but I was so disappointed because the effects were lost once the lampshade was put back on.   So I wanted to try and make a wooden block lamp with no lampshade so you could see the effects of the lightbulb.  Continue Reading →