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Craft Projects

Upcycled teapot

I was cleaning out my kitchen cupboards the other day and came across this old teapot.  It was purchased about 20 years ago at a car boot sale for £1 when I lived in the UK.  Why I bought it I have no idea because I never drink tea. I hated the idea of throwing it away so I thought I would upcycle it into a steampunk-themed teapot. Continue Reading →

Cement Grim Reaper

This weeks project is a cement grim reaper that has been cast using cement and an old towel.  I chose the grim reaper because Halloween is just around the corner and people will be looking for new Halloween Decor. Continue Reading →

Recycled Chocolate Tin Planter

Planter made from a chocolate tin

My idea for this project was to make a fun planter from a recycled chocolate tin.  I am really hopeless with watering plants and thanks to my destructive dogs I can not have nice planters in my garden. So my idea was to have an indoor planter with artificial succulents.  Because the plants would not need watering, I got the idea to add a secret storage compartment inside the planter. Continue Reading →

Aluminium Can Wall Hanging

How to recycle aluminium soda cans into wall art

If you follow my blog you will know that I try and create all my projects from recycled materials.  In our house, we all love Pepsi Max, which leaves us with a fair few aluminium cans. Instead of sending them to the recycling centre, I wanted to try and create an aluminium can wall hanging with them.  Because aluminium cans are not very big, I wanted to create a wall hanging that was made up of smaller panels that could be arranged in different designs on the wall. So your wall hanging can be changed around when you get bored with the design. Continue Reading →

Steampunk Mannequin

Mixed media Mannequin art

I have always wanted to decorate a Mannequin but I was never lucky enough to find one. I always knew it would be a Steampunk mannequin because I am steampunk mad at the moment. So when I spotted this half mannequin in a thrift shop I could not control my excitement. Continue Reading →

20 Steampunk Project Ideas

If you’re a lover of science fantasy, industrial technology and vintage then these steampunk projects will be right up your street.  I am a total steampunk fan and somehow steampunk always seems to creep into many of my projects in some way, shape or form. I also like to try and make unique projects that you don’t see every day.  For this post, I have put together a round-up of 20 Steampunk Project Ideas. Continue Reading →

Steampunk Sock Gnomes

Steampunk gnome

Who doesn’t love a sock gnome?  They are just so quick and easy to make and they look just adorable.  I made some last year to decorate my house but thought it was time to have some steampunk sock gnomes. If you follow my blog you know I am steampunk mad so this just had to happen. Each steampunk sock gnome was given his own unique steampunk hat and styling. Continue Reading →

How to Shape Resin

How to shape resin

Recently our international blogger group had the challenge to create something out of resin.   This was my first attempt at the challenge.  I wanted to try and shape resin around an object to get an interesting shape.  I knew I wanted to make a bowl of some description but in the end, I was not happy with the colour. Continue Reading →

Steampunk Christmas Tree

Steampunk Christmas Tree

I don’t think this project will be a big surprise to people who follow my blog.  Because I have been steampunk mad all this year, a steampunk Christmas tree was inevitable.   The idea came from a comment on one of my other steampunk projects.  A lady said it would be interesting to see what I come up with for Christmas and she was hoping it was a Christmas tree. I saw that as a challenge and after some thought this was what I came up with. Continue Reading →

Steampunk Doorstop

Handmade doorstop made using cement and decorated in a steampunk theme. #steampunk #cementcraft #doorstop

Today’s post is our next  Int’l Bloggers Club challenge (IBC) and the theme this week is “Don’t Sweater The Small Stuff”.   We have to create a project using a sweater in any way, shape or form. I chose to make a steampunk doorstop. Continue Reading →

3D Steampunk Heart

Mixed media steampunk heart

If you follow my blog you will know last year I started doing steampunk and now I am totally addicted to it.  So with valentines day coming up a steampunk heart seemed like the most obvious choice of project.  But I wanted to take it a step further and try and make a 3D steampunk heart out of cardboard. Continue Reading →